I went for a drive earlier tonight.
I made a point of parking the car near the outskirts of the town that was.
I got out and walked up to a street corner that was bordered down one side by the wire mesh fences that have kept most of us out of town for the last year.
I stood and looked up into the night sky. I watched as the spotlights circled through the sky above our once bustling city. I cried.
Maybe it was because they served as a reminder of the 2 devastating earthquakes that had changed our skyline, or maybe it was because their time has come. It was predetermined when the decision was made to have these 2 beacons, that they would be extinguished on the anniversary of the 6.3 that destroyed so much of our city.
Light signifies hope and it has been comforting to see these lights shining in our night skies over the past few months and think that there is hope. But the time has come to move forward. Hope is much like a Dream, it can give you purpose, but until you act upon it, it has no substance. So many of us have lost so much to this terrible tragedy that has put many of our lives on hold for the last year, but there is hope, and I, for one, am ready to move forward.
I let the tears flow, and I resolved to give substance and meaning to my hopes, my aspirations, my dreams.